It is usually difficult to express a family of tri-point transition function (TTF)by a transition matrix as Markov processes with one parameter. In this paper, we define three kinds of connection matrixes on the states of standard tri-point transition function (STTF) and study their essential character, give a constructive method on the constantvalue standard tri-point transition function and a general expression of the state-symmetric standard tri-point transition function by a sequence of the transition matrixes of special and simple Markov processes with one parameter.
It is usually difficult to express a family of tri-point transition function (TTF) by a transition matrix as Markov processes with one parameter. In this paper, we define three kinds of connection matrixes on the states of standard tri-point transition function (STTF) and study their essential character, give a constructive method on the constant-value standard tri-point transition function and a general expression of the state-symmetric standard tri-point transition function by a sequence of the transition matrixes of special and simple Markov processes with one parameter.