
Effect of Horizontal Nonuniformity of Diabatic Heating on Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure

Effect of Horizontal Nonuniformity of Diabatic Heating on Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure
摘要 The effect of the horizontal variation of diabatic heating on the tropicalcyclone intensity and structure is studied in this paper. According to the potential vorticity (PV)equation in axis-symmetric cylindrical coordinates, PV disturbance caused by the radial differenceof diabatic heating is positive (negative) inside (outside) the maximum heating radius, implyingthat the radial nonuniformity of diabatic heating should contribute positively to the intensity of atropical cyclone while negatively to its size. A primitive equation model is then used to get somequantitative ideas on the problem. Results show that the modeled tropical cyclone weakens by about20% but is larger in size if the effect of horizontal variety of convective heating is excluded inthermodynamic and dynamic equations. The PV disturbance originated from the horizontal nonuniformityof diabatic heating is positive inside the maximum heating radius and negative outside, inconsistent with the PV equation analyses. The maximum disturbance (both negative and positive)appears around the maximum heating level and their magnitude is comparable to that generated byvertical variance of heating. It is concluded that the effect of the horizontal heat nonuniformityon the intensity and structure of TC cannot be neglected. The effect of the horizontal variation of diabatic heating on the tropicalcyclone intensity and structure is studied in this paper. According to the potential vorticity (PV)equation in axis-symmetric cylindrical coordinates, PV disturbance caused by the radial differenceof diabatic heating is positive (negative) inside (outside) the maximum heating radius, implyingthat the radial nonuniformity of diabatic heating should contribute positively to the intensity of atropical cyclone while negatively to its size. A primitive equation model is then used to get somequantitative ideas on the problem. Results show that the modeled tropical cyclone weakens by about20% but is larger in size if the effect of horizontal variety of convective heating is excluded inthermodynamic and dynamic equations. The PV disturbance originated from the horizontal nonuniformityof diabatic heating is positive inside the maximum heating radius and negative outside, inconsistent with the PV equation analyses. The maximum disturbance (both negative and positive)appears around the maximum heating level and their magnitude is comparable to that generated byvertical variance of heating. It is concluded that the effect of the horizontal heat nonuniformityon the intensity and structure of TC cannot be neglected.
出处 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2005年第1期60-66,共7页
基金 Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 49975014, 40275018 and 40333025.
关键词 tropical cyclone INTENSITY STRUCTURE diabatic heating tropical cyclone intensity structure diabatic heating
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