
Impacts of Previous Winter Kuroshio SSTA on Summer Rainfall in China 被引量:2

Impacts of Previous Winter Kuroshio SSTA on Summer Rainfall in China
摘要 The relationship of Kuroshio sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in theprevious winter and summer rainfall in China was analyzed based on observational studies andnumerical simulations. Observational results indicate that there is a close relation betweenKuroshio SSTA and precipitation in China. When Kuroshio SSTA is positive, the western Pacificsubtropical high will be stronger and extend farther westward in, the following summer, with Asiansummer monsoon weaker and the frontal precipitation further southward. As a result, summerprecipitation increases (decreases) in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River (in North andNortheast China), and vice versa. Conclusions drawn by NCAR-CCM3 testify the observational results. The relationship of Kuroshio sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in theprevious winter and summer rainfall in China was analyzed based on observational studies andnumerical simulations. Observational results indicate that there is a close relation betweenKuroshio SSTA and precipitation in China. When Kuroshio SSTA is positive, the western Pacificsubtropical high will be stronger and extend farther westward in, the following summer, with Asiansummer monsoon weaker and the frontal precipitation further southward. As a result, summerprecipitation increases (decreases) in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River (in North andNortheast China), and vice versa. Conclusions drawn by NCAR-CCM3 testify the observational results.
出处 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2005年第1期76-82,共7页
基金 This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under No. Grant 40175023 and by the GradateEducation and Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province: No. E30000008098-2.
关键词 winter kuroshio SSTA east asian summer monsoon precipitation in china numerical simulation transfer winter kuroshio SSTA east asian summer monsoon precipitation in china numerical simulation transfer
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