国际教育改革的大背景、社会生活的实际需要、受教育者的身心发展需要 ,是制约我国语文教育改革走向的基本因素 ;当前的基础教育课程改革 ,则是制约语文教育改革走向的直接因素。我国语文教育改革的发展具有如下八大趋势 :(1 )语文教育的目标将同时定位于听说读写基本技能的训练与学生基本素质尤其是人文素养的培养 ;(2 )语文教育的民族化将成为改革的重要内容 ;(3 )教师引导与学生“自主、合作、探究”活动相结合的教学方式将成为主要教学方式 ;(4 )带有明显实践性特征的综合性学习 ,将成为语文教育的重要方式 ;(5 )更加重视口语交际能力的培养 ;(6)以学科知识为中心的教材 ,将逐步让位于以学习者的学习与发展为中心的教材 ;(7)现代化教学手段 ,将越来越多地介入语文教育 ,并由此推动教学内容、教学形式、教学方法的发展 ;(8)深入改革评价制度 ,以全面而和谐地发挥评价的教育功能。
The international education reform, the actual needs of social life and physical and mental development of the educated are the three basic factors that restrain the direction of the Chinese language teaching reform in China; yet, the current reform of the basic educational curriculums is the direct restraining factor. There are eight major points in the development of the Chinese language teaching reform: 1. The objective of the Chinese language teaching will be set on the training of the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and training of the students' basic quality, especially their humane quality; 2. The nationalization of the Chinese language teaching will be the main part of the reform; 3. The combination of teachers' guidance and the students' “initiative, cooperation and research' will become the major teaching method; 4. The practical comprehensive study will become an important from of the Chinese language teaching; 5. More attention will be paid to the training of the students' ability of communication; 6. The course books taking the subject matter as the center will be replaced by the course books taking the learners' study and development as the center; 7. The modernized teaching means will be applied to the Chinese language teaching, thus pushing forward the development of teaching contents , teaching forms and teaching method; 8. Deepening of the reform of assessment to bring the educational , diagnostic and distinguishing functions into full play.
Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
the Chinese language teaching