流媒体(Streaming Media)是一种新兴的网络传输技术。由于其允许网络浏览者不必等到整个多媒体文件下载完成就可以从网上一边下载一边收看音视频多媒体节目,所以受到了几乎所有网络用户的青睐,现已广泛应用在多媒体新闻发布、在线直播、视频点播、远程教育、视频会议等互联网的信息服务领域。鉴于目前流媒体应用技术解决方案较多,技术、性能特点各异,针对具体的应用环境应该如何来选用这些技术系统,成为摆在我们面前的一个重要问题。本文在介绍流媒体技术要点的基础上,分析、比较了三种主流的流媒体技术系统的核心技术、性能特点及市场表现,供读者参考。
Streaming media is a kind of new multimedia. Almost all network users like this technology, because it allows the users to download the documents wanted, and at the same time to enjoy the audii-visual multimedia programs. Streaming media is now being used in the fields of internet information service such as multimedia news delivery, on-line live broadcasting, distant education and audi-visual meetings.Nowadays there are various plans for the application of the technology of streaming media. How to choose the technique system according to the specific environment becomes an important problem before us. This paper introduces the main point of this technology, and on the basis of which, the author analyses and compares the characteristics and marketing of the three major technique systems of streaming media.
Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University