我国法院目前存在相对大的法官数量和积案率不断上升的现实 ,影响司法权威。其中一个主要原因就是法官的社会角色太多、分工不细所造成 ,这一现实也折射出当前对法官职业内涵认识误区 ,甚至司法不能独立的无奈。要改变这一点必须从一个认清 ,两个保障 ,三个剥离出发 ,为法官减去许多非职责内涵的负担。
In present, a large amount of cases couldn't be trailed in time. One of majority reasons is that judges act as social roles too much and arrange brusquely. We still have much incorrect conception. The judicial system is not independence. So we should clear the conception of judge and protect they from non-obligatory business.
Presentday Law Science