概括是思维中极重要的环节 ,学生学习和运用知识的过程就是概括过程。没有概括 ,学生就不能掌握知识、运用知识 ;没有概括 ,就难以形成概念 ;没有概括 ,学生的知识结构就无法形成。因此 ,概括能力的高低 ,很大程度上决定着思维水平的高低。由此可见 ,概括能力的培养是十分重要的。
It is a very important link to summarize knowledge in one's mind. The course that students learn and utilize knowledge is the process of summarizing knowledge. Without summarizing, students cannot grasp, use and learn knowledge well. In addition, without summarizing it is difficult to form a concept and to take shape the knowledge structure of students. Therefore, the whole level of thinking is mostly decided by the summarizing ability. Thus it can be seen that it is very important to train the students' ability of summarizing in the progress of teachine.
Abstracting viewpoint
summarizing figure
summarizing plot
drawing up subheading.