培养学生的问题意识 ,有利于发挥学生的主体作用 ,有助于培养学生勇于探索和创新的精神 ,有利于学生良好个性的发展 ,而融洽的师生关系是学生敢问的重要前提 ;创设问题情景 ,激发探索兴趣 ,是培养学生好问品质的重要方法。多维训练、发散思维是培养学生巧问的手段。鼓励性的评价是学生增强问题意识的动力。
It has 3 advantages to develop students' awareness. It has the advantage to bring students' main part into full play, to foster their spirits of continuous exploration and innovation, to improve their personal characters while, the good relationship between teachers and students is an important prerequisite for students to dare to raise the question. To help students want to ask question, it's important for teachers to make the question contents and to foster their interests to explore. And thinking training, especially the divergence thinking training, can help students ask questions skillfully. And the encouraging evaluation is the motive power to strengthen students' question awareness.
question awareness, dare to ask, reuse questions, ask question skillfully