
同类机的供应链排序 被引量:14

Supply chain scheduling with uniform machine
摘要 研究同类机环境的供应链排序,即研究如何安排工件在同类机器上加工,把加工完毕的工件分批发送给下游客户,使得生产排序费用和发送费用总和最少.生产排序费用是用工件送货时间的函数表示,发送费用是由固定费用和与送货路径有关的变化费用组成.研究以工件最大送货时间和平均送货时间为生产排序费用的不同目标函数下的同类机供应链排序问题,用动态规划算法构造了多项式时间近似算法,并分析算法的性能比. This paper presents an integrated scheduling model of production and distribution operations.In this model,a set of jobs are first processed on uniform machines and then delivered to the customers directly without intermediate inventory.The problem is to find a joint schedule of production and distribution such that an objective function that takes into account both production schedule cost and distribution cost is optimized.The production schedule cost is measured with a function of delivery times when the...
出处 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期62-67,78,共7页 Journal of Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重大国际(地区)合作研究资助项目(70731160015) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(yw06037)
关键词 供应链排序 制造商问题 同类机 近似算法 supply chain scheduling manufacture s problem uniform machine approximate algorithm
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