

A Runtime Profile Method for Dynamic Binary Translation Using Hardware-Support Technique
摘要 传统的基于动态二进制翻译器的profiling策略分为3种:基于基本块、基于跳转边、基于路径跟踪。使用纯软件的profiling系统一般地说会带来平均30%的性能开销。如果在动态优化中得到硬件的支持,系统的整体性能将得到显著的提高。其中,软硬件协同设计中的难点,就是软硬件之间的通信开销和软硬件划分。该文针对动态二进制翻译中的优化阶段,使用一种硬件支持的运行是profile收集新方法来取代纯软件的profiling方法,把软硬件之间的通信开销降到最低,并以此来提高动态二进制翻译的整体性能。此方法可以在运行时准确地,并且以很小的开销收集Profile信息,从而更好的优化系统。 The traditional profiling strategy in dynamic binary translator is based on the basic block,the edge jump and the path tracing. In general,the method using software-only profiling typically incurs about 30% overhead of overall system. By hardware-support,dynamic optimization system can improve overall performance prominently. Moreover,the difficulty in HW/SW co-design is the communication overheads and partition between hardware and software. To the optimization process of DBT,This paper replaces the tradit...
出处 《微型电脑应用》 2010年第5期56-58,74,共4页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:60773093 60873209)
关键词 动态二进制翻译 profile信息 软硬件协同设计 Dynamic Binary Translation Profiling Hardware-Software Co-design
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