
八角晶格光子晶体光纤的损耗特性分析 被引量:1

Loss properties of octagonal photonic crystal fiber
摘要 应用多极法对O-PCF的损耗进行了计算和分析,并与H-PCF进行了比较,发现相同空气填充率下,O-PCF的损耗小于H-PCF的损耗,O-PCF在能获得更大有效模式面积的同时,在损耗特性方面也更具优势;研究了包层空气孔层数、孔直径和孔间距等在1.33μm和1.55μm处对损耗的影响,得到了损耗随各结构参数变化的规律,并总结了获得低损耗大模面积O-PCF的一般方法。 Contrast with hexagonal photonic crystal fibers(H-PCF),the loss properties of octagonal photonic crystal fibers(O-PCF) are simulated by the multipole method.We found that the O-PCF had far away low loss than H-PCF with same air-fill ratio as well as had larger mode area.We have studied the effects of the structural parameters on loss properties at 1.33μm and 1.55μm such as the number of the hole rings,hole diameter and pitch in the cladding.At last we got the law and summarized the general method to obtain ...
出处 《光通信技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期60-62,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
基金 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院2009年科研基金资助项目(2009KYYB07)
关键词 八角晶格光子晶体光纤 损耗 多极法 octagonal photonic crystal fiber loss multipole method
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