

The Extending of Granular Set and Its Description
摘要 在作者提出的粒计算新模型——粒集理论的基础上,通过把映射由单向性扩展为双向性的做法,提出了对象粒集、描述粒集和扩展粒集等概念,并对它们分别进行了描述,其中扩展粒集的描述是五元组形式,即是(U,D,L,H,J),这里U是论域,D是描述域,L是由U到D的算子,H是由D到U的算子,J是算子L和H的约束。由此扩充了粒集理论的内容,完善了粒集理论。 This paper,based on the author s new model of granular computing——the theory of granular set,puts forward the concept of object granular set,description granular set,extended granular set,through extending the mapping from one-way to two-way.And,they are described respectively,the concept of which is the description of extended granular set in the form of five-tuple array,that is,(U,D,L,H,J),where U is the universe of the problem discussed,D describes all the elements in U,L is the operator from U to D,H is...
作者 李鸿
出处 《宿州学院学报》 2009年第5期103-104,161,共3页 Journal of Suzhou University
基金 安徽高校省级自然科学研究重点项目(kj2007a129zc)
关键词 粒集 对象粒集 描述粒集 扩展粒集 粒计算 Granular Set Object Granular Set Description Granular Set Extended Granular Set Granular Computing
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