
复合材料层合板低速冲击损伤方法研究 被引量:5

Damage Analysis of Composite Laminate under Low-velocity
摘要 在试验的基础上,分析了冲击能量与凹坑深度之间的关系,拟合出了冲击能量与凹坑深度曲线方程。曲线方程表明,凹坑深度的变化是与冲击能量的变化过程相适应的,从而在凹坑深度已知的情况下可以计算得到层合板所受的外载,有此外载从便对层合板进行相应的模拟。利用AN-SYS有限元程序对复合材料层合板横向低速冲击进行了模拟,模拟采用瞬态分析方法。对冲击后的试件进行了C扫描,在此基础上对损伤的分布形式及大小做了详细的分析。计算结果和试验结果表明,方法是可行的,拟合曲线是正确的,且适合于层合板冲击后的损伤评估。 On the basis of the test,the change of distance during the energy was studied,and fitting out of the impact energy and crater depth curve equation. The curve equation indicates that the trend of pit is consistent with that of energy,calculate the depth of pits to be aware of the impact energy,with the impact energy can laminate to simulate. The process of composite plate subjected to transversely low-velocity impact was simulated using finite element soft package of ANSYS,and use the method of transient ana...
出处 《航空计算技术》 2010年第3期68-70,74,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
关键词 复合材料层合板 低速冲击 冲击能量 损伤 有限元 composite laminate low-velocity impact energy 3-dimension damage finite element
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