A novel hybrid FEM-BEM method for 3D eddy current field calculation using current density J
A novel hybrid FEM-BEM method for 3D eddy current field calculation using current density J
This paper introduces a novel hybrid FEM-BEM method for calculating 3D eddy cur-rent field. In the eddy current region, the eddy current density J is solved by the finite element method (FEM) which is discretized by brick finite element mesh, while in the eddy current free re-gion, the magnetic field intensity H is solved by the boundary element method (BEM) which is dis-cretized by rectangular boundary element mesh. Under the boundary conditions, an algebraic equation group is obtained that only includes J by eliminating H. This method has many advan-tages over traditional ones, such as fewer variables, more convenient coupling between the FEM and the BEM and wider application to multiply-connected regions. The calculated values of two models are in good agreement with experimental results. This shows the validity of our method.
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