Fifty cases of acute lumbar sprain were treated by the combination of acupuncture, cupping and kinesitherapy. Forty-three cases were cured and 7 cases improved, the total effective rate being 100%. This therapy has an exact effect with a short course of treatment.
Fifty cases of acute lumbar sprain were treated by the combination of acupuncture, cupping and kinesitherapy. Forty-three cases were cured and 7 cases improved, the total effective rate being 100%. This therapy has an exact effect with a short course of treatment.
Key words Lumbar Sprain - Acupuncture Therapy - Cupping Therapy
WANG Jun-ying, junior consultant doctor, a member of the fifth physical medicine and rehabilitation committee of Hunan Province. Mainly engaged in treating pain in clinic.
Translator: WANG Si-you