目的:了解护士给予患儿父母有关非药物方法减轻儿童(6~12岁)术后疼痛的指导情况。方法:采用芬兰Tarja Plkki博士设计的问卷对福建省5所医院178名护士进行调查。结果:被指导最多的非药物方法有转移注意力、积极性强化、安慰、改变体位以及放松。护士的年龄、教育程度、职称、护理经验、有无孩子及陪伴孩子住院经历、所在医院和科室,皆与其指导父母使用某些药物方法存在显著相关。结论:护士虽给予父母亲多方缓解儿童术后疼痛的指导,某些薄弱环节尚需加强。
The purpose of this study was to descrine nurses' perceptions of parental guidance about non - medical methods tor relieving school-aged(6- 12 years old)children's surgical pain.Factors related to this were salo analyzed.
Methods: The data was collected with a Likert - type instrument, which was slightly modified version of one developed earlier by a Finnish researcher,Tarja P lkki, phD. The convenience sample consisted of 178 nurses working at paediatric wards (N= 4), cardiac and chest surgical wards (N=3), ear, nose, and throat surgical wards (N=4), and a general surgical ward (N= 1) of five hospitals in Fujian province. The average response rate was 98% . Results: Preparatory information, especially most of cognitive information was well informed to parents. The five most common non-medical methods informed were distraction, positive reinforcement, .comforting/reassurance, positioning, and relaxation. Nurses' age, education, nursing position, professional work experience, number of their own children, experiences of earlier hospitalizations of their children, as well as hospital and place where nurses worked were significantly related to their perceptions regarding parental guidance. Conclusions:Nurses felt parents were well informed about their child's surgical procedure, especially most of the cognitive information and some of the non-medical methods utilizable for relieving their child's surgical Pain. However, some methods that were not well informed needed to be strengthened among nurses in order to improve their active uses of these methods.
Journal of Nursing and Rehabilitation
Pain management Nan-medical methods Postoperative pain Parental guidance Children