
培养医学理工复合型人才的紧迫性和必要性 被引量:2

On the Urgent Need for Integrated Medical Talent with Engineering Aptitude
摘要 我国高科技医疗装备研发的人才短缺,特别是缺乏医学和工学相结合的跨学科人才,造成我国高科技医疗装备的研发和制造落后于发达国家,在许多重要的医疗装备领域存在着严重的对外依附性,并影响到我国的医疗安全。从国家经济技术发展战略的高度研究解决这一问题的根本途径,就必须加快培养医学工学结合型人才,这既是国家战略的需要,也是相关高校必须承担的历史责任,同时也有利于高校自身的发展。 Because of the severe shortage of integrated medical talent with engineering aptitude, China has been far behind the developed countries in medical equip manufacturing, which gets china away from independence in many important aspects of medical equip field and brings about negative effect on our nation's medical security. By analyzing this fact, the article argues for the urgent need for integrated medical talent with engineering aptitude and puts forward possible ways to bring up such talent in university education.
作者 邹富良
出处 《高校教育管理》 2003年第3期50-54,共5页 Journal of Higher Education Management
关键词 医疗装备 医学工学结合 跨学科人才培养 紧迫性 必要性 medical equips the combination of medical science and engineering to bring up the talented person urgent necessity.
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