愉快教学是从学生的需要着眼 ,通过教师在教学过程中提供能满足学生某种需要的诱因 ,从而激发学生求知的内驱力的一种课堂教学方式 .愉快教学通过创情境、巧激励、求变化、促成功 ,能较好地使学生掌握学习的方法 ,能充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性 ,激发他们的求知欲 ,形成“寓教于乐”、“寓学于乐”的良好学习氛围 ,从而达到提高课堂教学效果的目的 .
Pleasant teaching is a method for classroom teaching where the teacher provides necessary inducement to bring out an internal drive in the students to learn. This method can greatly increase teaching result as it can motivate students to learn actively with ample enthusiasm by various means such as creating the right situation ant tactful encouraging.
Journal of Yuxi Normal University