

About Chen Duxiu after the " August 7th Meeting
摘要 “八七会议”后的陈独秀,心态复杂。他有冤屈和蕴怒,不与中共新的临时中央合作。蛰居上海,写了许多文笔犀利的杂文,揭露国民党和帝国主义。同时又向中共中央上书,对党内瞿秋白的左右派暴动路线提出忠告,后来的事实证明陈的忠告是有远见的。陈拒绝参加“六大”,但对有关中国革命的策略和方针仍高度关注。在中东路事件上与中央宣传策略发生争论,并在检讨大革命失败与当前路线方针等重大问题上与党中央意见相左,导致与中共最后的分手。 After the August 7th Meeting , Chen Duxiu was in a complicated state of mind. On the one hand, he thought he had been treated unjusdy and became sullen, thus did not cooperate with the new temporary Central Government of the Communist Party. Thereafter, he wrote many incisive essays to prick the bubble of Kaomingtang and the imperialism when he lived in seclusion in Shanghai. On the other hand, he submitted his written statements to the Central Government of the Communist Party in which he gave his advice on the left - right riot route of Ju Qi-ubai in the Communist Party, which was later proved far - sighted. He refused to take part in the Sixth Session of the National People s Congress of the Communist Party, but still paid great attention to the strategies and policies about the Chinese revolution. He was not in agreement with the publicized strategies on the Zhongdongru Event. Neither did he agree with the Central Government of the Communist Party on the significant problems such as the analysis of the failure of the great revolution and the revolutionary courses and guidelines, which led to the final departure.
作者 胡明
出处 《台州学院学报》 2003年第4期5-11,共7页 Journal of Taizhou University
关键词 中国共产党 "八七会议" 陈独秀 Communist Party the 'August 7th Meeting' Chen Duxiu
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