小康作为一种社会文化和历史观,同时也是一种治国方略和社会理想。中国共产党人借鉴继承并赋予其崭新的 内涵,小康社会理论被作为“三步走”战略的核心范畴。本世纪末我国人民生活总体上达到了小康,党的十六大提出全 面建设小康社会的宏伟纲领,中国社会的发展将进入一个全新的境界。中华民族的伟大复兴一定能够实现。
Well-off 'can be considered as not only views of social culture and history but also as strategy of ruling a state and social ideal . Drawing on the experience and intieriting its rational core , CPC has entrusted brand new connotation and promoted social theory of 'Well-off' which is regarded as the core catergory of :' Three - step Advancement'. By the end of 20th century , our Chinese people have been well off in general . This ma-ganificant guiding principles has been put forward and applied since 16th National Cogress'of CPC. Considering that China has advanced into a new realm of development , and we will be destined to realize the grand rejunve-nation of Chinese People.
comprehensive construction
well-off society