当今世界 ,知识经济已初露端倪 ,它必然会对青年干部的素质提出新的要求。具体而言 ,知识经济的发展对青年干部素质有 5方面的新要求 :提高驾驭知识经济发展的能力 ;具有经得起历史考验的科学发展观 ;对当代资本主义的新认识 ;把学习能力和创造能力培养成自身的核心能力 ;养成健康开放的现代人格。
The knowledge economy which is on its way will inevitably propose new requirements for youth cadres: the ability to control knowledge economy; the scientific view of development which can bear the test of history; the new perception of capitalism; the ability to study and create; the upbringing of healthy and open-minded modern personality.
Journal of Guangdong College of Young Cadres