
Decomposition and embedment of trajectories after explosion for a birth and death process 被引量:2

Decomposition and embedment of trajectories after explosion for a birth and death process
摘要 Let X = X(t),t < σ (σ is lifespan) be a birth and death process with explosion whose characteristic triple is (α, C, D). For a set $\bar M \subset \bar E = \left\{ {0, 1, 2, \cdots , \infty } \right\}$ , reserving the trajectories before the first explosion time τ and decomposing the trajectories after τ for X according to $\bar M$ we obtain a new birth and death process $_{\bar M} X = \left\{ {_{\bar M} X\left( t \right), t < _{\bar M} \tau } \right\}$ . We calculate the average lifetime after τ for $_{\bar M} X$ and corresponding characteristic triple $\left( {_{\bar M} \alpha , _{\bar M} C, _{\bar M} D} \right)_{\bar M} X$ of $_{\bar M} X$ in terms of (α,C, D) and $\bar M$ . This means that a lot of given birth and death processes can be embedded in one and the same birth and death process. If $k \in \bar E$ and $\bar M = \left\{ k \right\}$ , we decompose X into $_k X, k \in \bar E$ . Let X = {X(t),t <σ} (σ is lifespan) be a birth and death process with explosion whose characteristic triple (Mα,MC,MD) of MX in terms of (α, C, D) and M. This means that a lot of given birth and death processes can be embedded in one and the same birth and death process. If κ∈ E and M = {κ},we decompose X into κX, κ∈ E.
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2002年第9期1100-1105,共6页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
基金 This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 10071019) the Centre of Researching Mathematics and Fostering Higher Talent the Ministry of Education of China, and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Provi
关键词 BIRTH and DEATH process explosion TRAJECTORY decomposition embedment character-istic triple. Birth and death process explosion trajectory decomposition embedment characteristic triple
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