坚持集体领导与民主集中,是我们党的领导的最高原则。党的十五届六中全会《决定》指出: “集体领导,民主集中,个别酝酿,会议决定,是党委内部议事和决策的基本制度”。这“十六字方针”是民主集中制原则在党委工作中的具体化。贯彻“十六字方针”应处理好书记与委员、书记办公会与常委会、常委会与全委会、全委会与党的代表大会的关系。
the principal policy of CPC is persisting in collective leadership and democratic centralism. As indicated in the Decision of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the CPC that collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual proposal and collective decision are fundamental principles of the CPC for discussing official business and making decision. The said 16-word policy is the concentration of democratic centralism. Only dealing well with four relationships between secretary and committeeman, secretary office meeting and standing committee, standing committee and plenary committee, plenary committee and congress of CPC, can the said 16-word policy can be carried out smoothly.
Journal of Dalian Official