IllustrationAll the data in this catalog are chosen from the (Preliminary Seismological Report of Chinese Seismic Stations( (Its abbreviation is (Monthly Report(). The catalog includes the events of M(4.7 in and near China and M(6 all over the world. The (Monthly Report( is monthly compiled by the Ninth Section of Institute of Geophysics, CSB.The origin times of earthquakes in the catalog adopt coordinated universal time (UTC) in accordance with international convention. The location of every epicenter is expressed by its latitude and longitude, at the same time by the corresponding geographical region proposed by Flinn and Engdahl. The regional names are only for references and do not imply any political significance. The number of stations used and standard deviation are also given in order to illustrate the precision of location.
陈培善(Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100081, China)