Reference free part encapsulation (RFPE) is a non-traditional universal fixturing technique. In this paper, new filler material-a lower melting point alloy for RFPE technique is introduced. Based on experiment, the shrinkage and expansion rate, the effect of filler on workpiece drift and the effect of filler thickness on cutting distortion are studied. The alloy has a good mechanical and physical performance and the need of RFPE fixturing can be perfectly satisfied. The result shows that if the formula and process parameters of filler material are properly selected, it can obviously improve the quality of the workpiece, enhance the machining efficiency and reduce the manufacturing cost.
Reference free part encapsulation (RFPE) is a non-traditional universal fixturing technique. In this paper, new filler material-a lower melting point alloy for RFPE technique is introduced. Based on experiment, the shrinkage and expansion rate, the effect of filler on workpiece drift and the effect of filler thickness on cutting distortion are studied. The alloy has a good mechanical and physical performance and the need of RFPE fixturing can be perfectly satisfied. The result shows that if the formula and process parameters of filler material are properly selected, it can obviously improve the quality of the workpiece, enhance the machining efficiency and reduce the manufacturing cost.
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