当前 ,经济犯罪活动急剧上升 ,呈现出涉案金额大、犯罪手段智能化与专业化程度高、隐蔽性强等特点 ,在侦破中存在着取证难、抓捕难、追赃难、处罚难、抗干扰难等问题。因此 ,必须坚持党委政府、上级公安机关统一领导与建设规范化经侦队伍相结合的原则 ,坚持标本兼治 ,抓好重点行业普法教育和打防并举、提高综合防范能力相结合的原则 ,坚持素质强警、提高经侦队伍自身攻坚能力和加强区域协作、发挥整体作战优势相结合的原则 ,来予以遏制和防范。
Nowadays, economic crimes are increasingly stepping up, showing such features as big sum in case, intellectualization and high specialization in criminal methods, and high cripticness , all of which lead to the difficulties in gathering evidence , arresting , recovering spoils, penalizing, and anti-interfering , and so forth . Therefore, we must stick to the principle of integrating the uniform leading under party committees and superior public security organs with constructing a formalized investigation teams, to the principle of the integration of eradicating crimes by looking into both root causes and law-popularizing education in special professions with the simultaneous development of combating and preventing, and increasing the comprehensive preventing ability, additionally ,to the principle of the integration of strengthening policemen in quality, raising the self-storming-fortification ability with strengthening regional cooperation, and exploiting the advantages of overall fighting , for the ultimate goal of curbing and guarding against economic crimes.
Journal of Shandong Police College
market economy
economic crimes
investigation principles