The computational efficiency of numerical solution of linearalgebraic equations in finite elements can be improved in two ways.One is to decrease the fill-in numbers, which are new non-ze- ronumbers in the matrix of global stiffness generated during theprocess of elimination. The other is to reduce the computationaloperation of multiplying a real number by zero. Based on the factthat the order of elimination can determine how many fill-in numbersshould be generated, we present a new method for optimization ofnumbering nodes. This method is quite different from bandwidthoptimiza- tion. Fill-in numbers can be decreased in a large scale bythe use of this method. The bi-factorization method is adopted toavoid multiplying real numbers by zero. For large scale finiteelement analysis, the method presented in this paper is moreefficient than the traditional LDLT method.
The computational efficiency of numerical solution of linearalgebraic equations in finite elements can be improved in two ways.One is to decrease the fill-in numbers, which are new non-ze- ronumbers in the matrix of global stiffness generated during theprocess of elimination. The other is to reduce the computationaloperation of multiplying a real number by zero. Based on the factthat the order of elimination can determine how many fill-in numbersshould be generated, we present a new method for optimization ofnumbering nodes. This method is quite different from bandwidthoptimiza- tion. Fill-in numbers can be decreased in a large scale bythe use of this method. The bi-factorization method is adopted toavoid multiplying real numbers by zero. For large scale finiteelement analysis, the method presented in this paper is moreefficient than the traditional LDLT method.