Zhanqi (Combat Banner) Song and Dance Ensemble is a theatrical troupe in West China, which is well-known nationwide and also enjoys a reputation abroad. Since 1950's, the ensemble has given many brilliant performances the world over. The song of 'Chairman Mao Sends People Over Here' and the dances of 'Racing to Capture Luding Bridge', 'Good Wishes' and grand song and dance drama of 'The Light of Tibet' created and performed by the ensemble were once very popular across the country. The sweet song and graceful dance movements overflowing with enthusiasm won widespread applause. The ensemble is also an artist cradle that nurtured a large number of outstanding artists such as famous film star Liu Xiaoqing and musician Guo Feng. The ensemble, active in the international cultural exchange visited USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia, Austria and Poland etc.
Western China