The nature of bonding in the title compounds has been studied by using CASSCF and FOCI techniques. The ground states of WC and WN are found to be 3Δ and 4∑- state arising primarily from:...1(22(21(41(13(1 and ...1(22(21(41(23(1 configuration respectively. WC shows a strong character of covalent bond while WN have obvious character of ionic bond and the dissociation energy of WN is larger than that of WC (6.15 and 5.41 eV respective).
The nature of bonding in the title compounds has been studied by using CASSCF and FOCI techniques. The ground states of WC and WN are found to be 3Δ and 4∑- state arising primarily from:...1(22(21(41(13(1 and ...1(22(21(41(23(1 configuration respectively. WC shows a strong character of covalent bond while WN have obvious character of ionic bond and the dissociation energy of WN is larger than that of WC (6.15 and 5.41 eV respective).