The measurement on radial profile of electrostatic Reynolds stress, plasma poloidal rotations, radial and poloidal electric field have been performed in the plasma boundary region of the HL-IM Tokamak using a multi-array of Mach/Langmuir probes. In the experiments of Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD), Supersonic Molecular Beam injection (SMBI), Multi-shot Pellet Injection (MPI) and Neutral Beam injection (NBI), the correlation between the Reynolds stress and poloidal flow in the edge plasma is presented. The results indicate that a sheared poloidal flow can be generated in Tokamak plasma due to radially varying Reynolds stress.
The measurement on radial profile of electrostatic Reynolds stress, plasma poloidal rotations, radial and poloidal electric field have been performed in the plasma boundary region of the HL-IM Tokamak using a multi-array of Mach/Langmuir probes. In the experiments of Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD), Supersonic Molecular Beam injection (SMBI), Multi-shot Pellet Injection (MPI) and Neutral Beam injection (NBI), the correlation between the Reynolds stress and poloidal flow in the edge plasma is presented. The results indicate that a sheared poloidal flow can be generated in Tokamak plasma due to radially varying Reynolds stress.