Deals with the determination of the nearly best linear estimates of location and scale parameters of a logistic population, when both parameters are unknown, by introducing Blom’s semi empirical ’α,β correction’ into the asymptotic mean and covariance formulae with complete and ordered samples taken into consideration and various nearly best linear estimates established and points out the high efficiency of these estimators relative to the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) and other linear estimators makes them useful in practice.
Deals with the determination of the nearly best linear estimates of location and scale parameters of a logistic population, when both parameters are unknown, by introducing Blom's semi empirical 'α,β correction' into the asymptotic mean and covariance formulae with complete and ordered samples taken into consideration and various nearly best linear estimates established and points out the high efficiency of these estimators relative to the best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) and other linear estimators makes them useful in practice.