Back propagation (BP) algorithm is a very useful algorithm in many areas, but its leaning process is a very complicated non linear convergence process, in which, chaos often happens, and slow convergence speed and local least often make it difficult for the non experts to use it widely, and an improved BP (IBP) algorithm is therefore suggested to expedite the convergence speed. The algorithm can judge local least and take some steps automatically to jump out from the local least. Furthermore, this algorithm introduces the expert knowledge base. An IBP based agile and current neural network (NN) constructed tool is designed. An initial NN can be constructed automatically using an expert knowledge base. And an Aitken’s Δ 2 process method is used to expedite the convergent speed for NN. Besides, the method of changing the parameter of Sigmoid function and increasing the hidden node is used to bring surge for NN to jump out from the local
Back propagation (BP) algorithm is a very useful algorithm in many areas, but its leaning process is a very complicated non linear convergence process, in which, chaos often happens, and slow convergence speed and local least often make it difficult for the non experts to use it widely, and an improved BP (IBP) algorithm is therefore suggested to expedite the convergence speed. The algorithm can judge local least and take some steps automatically to jump out from the local least. Furthermore, this algorithm introduces the expert knowledge base. An IBP based agile and current neural network (NN) constructed tool is designed. An initial NN can be constructed automatically using an expert knowledge base. And an Aitken's Δ 2 process method is used to expedite the convergent speed for NN. Besides, the method of changing the parameter of Sigmoid function and increasing the hidden node is used to bring surge for NN to jump out from the local least