By inspecting and analyzing the debris, which is the most direct and important information units in the lubricating oil, we can monitor the machine condition to predict its failure. The debris monitoring and analyzing system (DMAS) is developed from the traditional iron spectrum technology, and has such characteristics as ease for debris separating, forecasting machine failure automatically and accurately in time and so on. The fundamental theory, components and its application in aeroengine health monitoring of DMAS are presented.
磨损颗粒是研究机器磨损状态时最直接、最重要的信息元 ,通过对滑油中的磨粒进行监测与分析以判断机械设备的磨损状况 ,可以监测并预防机械设备的磨损故障。本文介绍的磨粒监测与分析系统 ( DMAS)具有制谱简单、自动化程度高、能及时准确预报及诊断机器的各种磨损类故障等特点 ,可以有效地保障机器安全可靠地运行。本文详细地阐述了这套系统的基本原理、软硬件组成 。