
Drag reduction of flow boiling with polymer additives

Drag reduction of flow boiling with polymer additives
摘要 The drag reducing effect of polymer additive aqueous solution was investigated in flow boiling, and the polymer additives were two kinds of polyacrylamide (PAM) with relative molecular mass about 2.56×10 6 and 8.55×10 6. The frictional pressure drop was calculated according to the measured total pressure drop. The results show that the flow drag of flow boiling is reduced by adding a small amount of PAM to water when heat flux is in the range of 15.1 kW·m -2 to 47.0 kW·m -2 , when the mass fraction of PAM is higher than 2.0×10 -5 , the drag reducing effect is obvious. Drag reducing effect of PAM, whose relative molecular mass is 8.55×10 6, is slightly better than that of 2.56×10 6 at the same mass fraction, and the greater the flow rate of the additive solution, the better the effect of the drag reduction. The drag reducing effect of polymer additive aqueous solution was investigated in flow boiling, and the polymer additives were two kinds of polyacrylamide (PAM) with relative molecular mass about 2.56×10 6 and 8.55×10 6. The frictional pressure drop was calculated according to the measured total pressure drop. The results show that the flow drag of flow boiling is reduced by adding a small amount of PAM to water when heat flux is in the range of 15.1 kW·m -2 to 47.0 kW·m -2 , when the mass fraction of PAM is higher than 2.0×10 -5 , the drag reducing effect is obvious. Drag reducing effect of PAM, whose relative molecular mass is 8.55×10 6, is slightly better than that of 2.56×10 6 at the same mass fraction, and the greater the flow rate of the additive solution, the better the effect of the drag reduction.
出处 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2001年第2期143-146,共4页 中南工业大学学报(英文版)
基金 TheNaturalScienceFoundationofTianjin(No.942 2 0 )
关键词 polymer additive flow boiling drag reduction pressure drop polymer additive flow boiling drag reduction pressure drop
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