建立健全社会保障体系是社会生产力发展的 必然结果,是市场经济发展和人口老龄化的客观要 求。建立健全社会保障体系对分离国有企业富余职 工、优化企业组织结构提供了前提和条件,也为深化 经济体制改革奠定了坚实的社会基础。建立健全社会 保障体系,要求认真贯彻党的现行社会保障政策,逐 步提高社会保障的社会化程度,拓宽社会保障筹资渠 道,提高社会保障基金的保值增值能力。
The article points out that establishing and Perfecting the social guarantee system is the inevitable result of the development of the prodetive forces,the objective requirment of the development of market economy and the aging of the population.Estahlishing and perfecting the social guarantee system provides the premise of condition for separating the surplusstaffs and workers of the state enterprises and optimizing the enterprise organization structure,also laying a solid social foundation for deepening the reform of the economic structure.Establishing and perfecting the social guarantee system requires to inplement strictly the present Party's policies of social guarantee to heighten gradually the socialization degree of the social guarantee, to widening the channels of raising funds of the social guarantee,to increase its ability in keeping value and raising in value of the social guarantee funds.
Journal of Dalian Official
Social Insurance
Guarantee System
Guarantee Funds