Bifurcation of the invariant curves of a difference equation is studied. The system defined by the difference equation is integrable, so the study of the invariant curves of the difference system can become the study of topological classification of the planar phase portraits defined by a planar Hamiltonian system. By strict qualitative analysis, the classification of the invariant curves in parameter space can be obtained.
Bifurcation of the invariant curves of a difference equation is studied. The system defined by the difference equation is integrable, so the study of the invariant curves of the difference system can become the study of topological classification of the planar phase portraits defined by a planar Hamiltonian system. By strict qualitative analysis, the classification of the invariant curves in parameter space can be obtained.
theNaturalScienceFoundationofYunnanProvinceofChina ( 1 999A0 0 1 8M)