本文介绍了上海贝尔的LTE端到端解决方案,包含eUTRAN,ePC,移动网络演进传送构架(META)和业务分发环境(SDE)。阐明了上海贝尔基于统一通用平台、融合演进的eNode B对2G/3G网络的向下兼容能力;提供高效QoS保障和业务流量管理的分组演进核心;提出全新的传送网络构架来支持2G/3G和LTE网络混合传输;开放的业务开发平台支持SP快速推出业务;站在产业链的角度,协助电信运营商构建整个LTE生态系统。
Introduce the Shanghai Bell LTE end-to-end solution,help operators to construct the whole LTE ecosystem based on the level of industrial chain.Which include the eUTRAN,ePC,mobile evolution transport architecture and services delivery environment.Shanghai Bell s eNode B used common platform and support 2G/3G smoothly evolution and compatible,evolved packet core need traffic management capability to ensure higher QoS performance.New META solution adapt the request for transmission technology result from evolu...
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization