The variation of the optical absorption (OA) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra with temperature was studied on γ-irradiated CaF2:Dy:Pb:Na single crystals. The OA spectrum showed bands around 2.05, 3.20, 3.82 and 6.20 eV which could be attributed to different sodium associated (SA) colour centres (CCs) such as MNa and RA+ . Heating the crystal indicated the annihilation and formation of different SACCs. The excitation spectrum for the characteristic Dy3+ emission at 2.14 eV immediately after irradiation was...
The variation of the optical absorption (OA) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra with temperature was studied on γ-irradiated CaF2:Dy:Pb:Na single crystals. The OA spectrum showed bands around 2.05, 3.20, 3.82 and 6.20 eV which could be attributed to different sodium associated (SA) colour centres (CCs) such as MNa and RA+ . Heating the crystal indicated the annihilation and formation of different SACCs. The excitation spectrum for the characteristic Dy3+ emission at 2.14 eV immediately after irradiation was...