20世纪 40年代 ,中国文学批评有三种阐释模式 :一是直接运用理论对文本进行解释 ;一是运用某种理论分析具体文本 ,同时阐述所运用理论的精神和实质 ;一是在进行文本批评时 ,根据自己的体验 ,阐述自己对文学基本理论的理解和认识。此类批评实践指导和规范了当时的文学创作实践 。
In 1940s,there were three interpretive patterns in the field of literary criticism.One type was that the commentator interpreted a text directly according to literary theory;one was the critic analyzed a text,whereas interpreted the spirit and essence of the literary theory which the used; the third is the critic interpreted his understanding of the basic literary theory according to the experience of himself when he analyzed a text.These critical practice instructed the creation of literature,and critic themselves became active literary knowledge that had reproductive capability.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)