台湾是中国大陆移民世代辛勤开垦的宝岛。中国大陆移民台湾先后有三批 ,其中第三批即汉民族的移入至关重要。纵观台湾文化发展的历程及其种种表象 ,大致可归纳出四大特点 :古老性、迟发性、多元性和同源性 ;汉民族移垦台湾 ,汉文化在岛内的传播与发展可以划分为五个相互衔接的历史阶段 :萌芽期—奠基期—发展期—苦斗期—繁荣期。事实证明 :台湾文化尽管有其浓郁的地方特色 ,但它与祖国大陆同属于一个不可分割的文化系统 ,是中华文化的自然延伸与发展。“台独”势力推行“文化台独”政策 ,妄图在文化领域搞“去中国化”
The third immigration in history from the mainland to Taiwan was the immigration of Han Nationality,which played a major part in the development of Taiwan culture. After discussing the four different features of Taiwan culture,it goes on to give a study of the five stages of the Han culture spreading on the Island of Taiwan:the rudimentary stage, the foundational stage, the expanding stage, the struggling stage, and the booming stage. It discusses the fact that despite its local color, Taiwan culture belongs to the same culture system with that of the mainland. It is a sub-branch of the Chinese culture. Thus, the “Cultural Independence” is doomed from the very beginning.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)