5Special White House Staff Note,20September1957. FRUS,1955-1957,vol.13 .
6DOS to U.S.Consulate,Istanbul,10September1957;DOS to U.S.Embassy,Amman,10September1957;and DOS to U.S.Embassy,Tel Aviv,10Septem-ber1957. FRUS,1955-1957,vol.13 .
7Salim Yaqub.Containing Arab Nationalism:The Eisen-hower Doctrine and the Middle East. . 2004
8U.S.Government Printing Office.United States Policy in the Middle East:Sept.1956-Jun.1957. Near and Middle East Series . 1957
9Douglas Little.Cold War and Covert Action:The United States and Syria,1945-1958. Middle East Journal . 1990