

Hot Issues of the Tort Liability Law——Based on the Perspective of the Subjectivity and Objectivity Value of the Regulation
摘要 应当看到,在民法体系中,侵权责任法几乎涵盖了财产与人身损害的所有情形,并成为债法的重要组成部分,无疑,权利保护与义务负担是其厘清责任所必需的核心价值要素,然而,这一切又是通过诉讼权利予之实现的,由此可见,一部法律的致臻完善不仅要赋予当事人应有的实体权利,同时亦应设定必要的诉讼管道,即"无救济则无权利"。显然,我国侵权责任法较之发达国家立法例而言在对权利保护和责任负担以及救济方式上显有欠缺。故此,导致在规范的科学性、权利的充分性与责任的完整性等方面的争议不断。 The purpose of the Tort Liability Law is to protect the social order by regulating the legal consequences and the people s illegal activities.We should see that,in the civil law system,the Tort Liability Law includes almost all the conditions of the damages of the property rights and the personal rights and it also becomes the central part of the debt law.Undoubtedly,the key value is to protect civil rights and obligations commitment.And the precision of the law is strongly related to the life of law and th...
作者 孙山
出处 《天津法学》 2011年第1期48-57,共10页 Tianjin Legal Science
关键词 过错层级 优先受偿 责任竞合 生命价值 grade of offence priority of payment value of life liability coincidence
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  • 1Note, "Exemplary Damages in the Law of Torts", 70 Harv. L. Rev. 517, 517 (1957), and Huckle v.Money, 95 Eng. Rep. 768 (K. B. 1763).
  • 2Malzof V. United Statea, I 12 S. Ct. 711, 715 (1992).
  • 3Ernet C. Stiefel: "U. S. Punitive Damage Awards in Germany" , 39 The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1991, p. 784.
  • 4TimothyJ. Phillips ,"The Punitive Dawage Class Action: A Solution to the problem of Multiple punishment" ,1984 U. Ill. L. Rev. 153.
  • 5David R. Levy, Note, "Punitive Damages in Light of TXO Productions Corp. v. Alliance Resources Corp",39 St. Louis U, L. J. 409, 412 n. 20 (1994).
  • 6Ausness, Retribution and Deterrence : The Role of Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litation , 74 K y.L. J. 1,2 (1985).
  • 7Coryell v. Colbaugh, 1 N. J. L. 90, 91 (Sup. Ct. 1791).
  • 8Wils. K. B. 20.5, 9.5 Eng, Rep. 768 (C. P. 1763).
  • 9Genayv. Norris, IS. C. L. 3, 1 Bay 6 (1784).
  • 10David Owen, "Punative Damage in Products Liability Litigation", 74 Mich. L. Rev. 1257 (1976).









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