“您是从华为来的?能否帮我介绍一下这家公司?”一位穿着白衬衫、打着领带、一丝不苟的英国看门老人急切地问道,“我以前从来没有听说过这家中国企业,如今它却要租下我们整整一栋楼!”这是伦敦西南50英里之外的Basingstoke 小镇。不远处一栋“凹”型的三层楼房张开了它的两翼,像是在欢迎宾客的到访。不过,从一年前建成到现在, 这栋楼一直是空空荡荡的。现在。
As the ninth telecommunication carrier in the world,BT worked out an ambitious plan called the 21st Century Network,and would transfer its traditional telecomm network to the IP platform.This is a five year project with the investment up to 10 billion pounds.In April,2005,Huawei,a Chinese telecommunication equipment manufacturer,was selected as one of the eight preferable suppliers of equipment by BT.That means Huawei will live a real “happy life”in Europe in the next five years. The winning out of Huawei i...