比起聚光灯下的华为、联想,温州的企业群体更能代表中国经济的现状——在温州,绝大多数企业依靠制造低成本、低附加值的产品谋生,年收入在1亿元人民币以下; 在温州,绝大多数是纯粹家族化的企业, 没有公司治理的概念; 在温州,相当一部分企业严重依赖出口, 并且几乎只靠单一种类产品生存。所有这些,不仅仅是温州的特点。
Not all the Chinese private enterprises are like HuaWei, Lenovo and TCL which are unconventional outstanding. The overwhelming majority of enterprises in Wenzhou are family-run ones, they almost have little concept of company management. Many heavily depend on export and survive on a single product. Most enterprises rely on low-cost, low value-added products. You may remember names of these enterprises, but don't remember brands of their products. In fact, this is also the characteristic of most Chinese pri...