2005年遭遇全线溃败的国产手机厂商,3G 时代的机会在哪里? 3G 时代的日益临近,让国产手机厂商变得既兴奋又忐忑不安。位于上海张江高科技园区的中兴通讯的基地上,一幢几十层高的大楼正在建设当中,为了尽早完工,工人们每天都要加班到很晚。手机事业部是中兴通讯在上海的最大部门,最近一段时间3G 手机的研发队伍迅速扩张, 已经占到了整个研发团队的1/3。
As 3G era comes nearer,Chinese cell phone makers become excited and unrest. A skyscraper is being built in a full momentum in the ZTE base at Zhangjiang Hi-teck park,Putong,Shanghai.The cell phone department is the biggest one for ZTE in Shanghai.The R&D team of cell phones is expanding rapidly and consists of one third of its total R&D force.Be- cause of the space limit,some depart- ments had to move out of the office building to rent other offices.After the completion of the new office building by the end...