Most of the Beijing hutongs came Into being in the Yuan Dynasty (1271 -1368). Hutongs usually run from due east to due west, with small hutongs running from due south to due north inside. The width of these hufongs is within six paces; those wider than six paces are called street. The buildings inside the hutongs are all siheyuans (a compound with houses around a courtyard,) composed with a symmetry of nouses to the east, west, south and north. There is a saying among old Beijingers: "There were 3,600 fa...
北京的胡同大多数形成于元朝,历史悠久。胡同的走向多为正东正西,大胡同之间还开有南北走 向的小胡同,胡同的宽度在六步之内,大于六步的称为大街。胡同内的建筑几乎都是四合院。是 由东西南北四座房屋对称构成的院落。老北京人说:“有名胡同三千六,无名胡同似牛毛。”