Zhang Hanzhi, the adopted daughter of Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973)-α famous political activist in China, is one of China's first generation of translators and diplomats. She has led a fabulous life-becoming the English teacher of the late Chairman Mao Zedong at the age of 28 and marrying Qiao Guanhua, Foreign Minister at the time, at the age of 36. After a short period of happiness, she experienced separation from her beloved husband in life and death. Now she said she would rather take a new step in life than...
她出身名门,是中国著名政治活动家章士钊的养 女,是新中国第一代翻译家和外交官; 她经历传奇,28岁成为毛泽东主席的英文老师, 36岁嫁给当时的外交部长乔冠华; 她命途坎坷,短暂的幸福之后,是生离、死别…… 现在,她说她不想老停在过去,想往前走,尝试 新东西。