To let her daughter learn ballet from famous tutors, Jia Jinling, despite being over 40 years old, resolutely took her 15-year-old daughter, leaving their Shenyang hometown, their familiar surroundings, her considerate husband, and suddenly became a total stranger in crowded Beijing. She chooses this hard life not only for her daughter's future, but also for a dream of her own.
虽然已经年过四旬,但是贾金铃却领着15岁的女儿离开了美丽的沈阳,离开了熟悉的生活环境, 离开了疼爱自己的丈夫,来到了人海茫茫的北京投师学艺。她选择这种辛苦的“陪读”生活,为的是女儿的前途,更是为圆自己的一个梦。