Hilton Augusta Parker Rogers is only two and a half, but she can already ask her millionaire daddy to pass her the milk in Chinese. Her Chinese nanny has even labeled the carton in Chinese characters so Hilton can learn to read Chinese. Hilton's parents are just one of the couples following the growing trend of New York's elite who have hired Chinese nannies. These forward-thinking parents want to give their children a competitive advantage in what they believe will be "the century of China."
Hilton只有两岁半,但是她已经会用汉语请她的百万富翁爸爸把牛奶递给她。她的中国保姆甚至给牛奶盒子贴上了中文标签,这样Hilton就可以学着认汉字了。众多纽约精英们开始雇用中国保姆,Hilton 的父母就是这一趋势的追随者。这些目光长远的父母们希望他们的孩子在21世纪这个“中国的世纪”里能够拥有竞争上的优势。