通过分析近年来佛山市麻疹流行病学特征,为探讨麻疹控制措施提供理论依据。对2004—2009年麻疹发病情况进行描述性流行病学分析。结果显示,佛山市2004—2009年共报告麻疹病例3 599例,年平均发病率为10.19/10万;发病数前3位的区为顺德区、南海区、禅城区,占全市病例数的94.50%;4~8月为高发季节,占总病例数的66.60%;6岁以下儿童及15岁以上人群是麻疹发病主要人群,分别占总病例数的62.86%、31.54%;8月龄以下儿童发病数占14.48%;病例以流动人口为主,占总病例数的94.78%;有明确免疫史病例仅占总病例数10.22%。佛山市麻疹发病有回升趋势,疫情形势严峻。实施麻疹疫苗强化免疫和查漏补种是控制麻疹的有效措施;同时应采取加强流动人口管理,提高麻疹疫苗常规免疫接种率和及时率,加强麻疹监测和入学、入托查验证管理,控制医院内感染,强化疫区处理等综合防控措施。
To develop the control measure of measles through the analysis of measles epidemiological characteristics.Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted from 2004 to 2009.Data from 3 599 measles cases were collected through the regular reporting system of legal communicable diseases between 2004—2009 in Foshan city.The annual averaged incidence rate of measles is 10.19 per 100 000 persons.The three districts with a high incidence of measles are Shunde,Nanhai,and Chanchen districts,accounting for 94.50% of the total cases.The incidence peaked at July to August,accounting for 66.60% of the total cases.Children younger than six years old and people older than 15 years old is the major group affected by measles,accounting for 62.86%,31.54% of the total cases,respectively.Infants younger than eight months old accounting for 14.48% in the overall cases.Most of reported measles cases is in the mobile population(94.78%).Only 10.22% of the subjects in this study has a definite history of measles vaccination.There is a tendency of increasing in the incidence of measles in Foshan city,the epidemic situation is rigorous.It is the effective measure that controls measles to carry out measles vaccine supplementary immunization and check to leak to reseed;Should adopt to strengthen a mobile population management,indicating further improvement in the coverage and timeliness of routine immunization of measles vaccines at the same time.The monitoring program of measles should also be strengthened.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
Control measure